1310. Which is the most effective method for the treatement of mental illnesses?

Devices like the Muse headband, OpenBCI, Flavio Frohlich’s Dose-Response in Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, or one of the other devices and methods the persons use which are listed here?

Are all of these methods tested in a brain scanner ? And are all of these tested against Tenzin Michaels meditation practice which has been validated by Roche Pharma Basel AG in a brain scanner, to find out which method is the most effective one?

But the researchers of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich reject all these studies, since they know since a long time ago, that dolce far niente in a brain scanner is the most effective methods of all of those, together with the well established knowledge medical doctors and spiritual teachers which they have since a long time ago?

Or is it OSHOs method «Enlightenment Through Laziness» without brain scanner:

Since enlightement is according to the Buddhist teachings the same as being completely mentally healthy. But unfortunately Osho’s method worked only for him and his rich students, and the majority could not afford his way of life.