008. Our values

Peter Gamma, Director of the Meditation Reserach Institute Switzerland (MRIS) is Member of the Roman Catholic Church and representative of Christian values.

We have described different spiritual leaders and teachers in our journal such as:

  • Yogi Bajan
  • Thích Ñhất Hạnh
  • Dalai Lama the 14 th
  • Deepak Chopra
  • Milarepa
  • Shantideva
  • Buddha
  • Moses
  • Jesus Christ
  • and also the controversial Osho

Peter Gamma himself grew up in a Roman Catholic family in Switzerland, but then he became an agnostic and left the Roman Catholic church. But even then he did not give up Christian values.

The Bible was the most important book in his life when he was a child, and also today it remains his most important book.

He re-entered into the Roman Catholic church after he made very deep spiritual experiences, and found to a new understanding of holy scriptures.

But on www.petergamma.org spiritual experiences of other spiritual leader and teachers are described and discussed as well, as for instance those of Guru Nanak.

We have compared Buddhist and Sikh practices and centers around the world. But this is a site about secular meditation, and not about a believe in a specific believe system.