The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)
offered a bed, a roof over the head and something to eat in the stomach for Peter Gamma. All other scientists which where his friends already moved out of th MRIS because of stalkers. And Peter Gamma who still lives there will move out as soon as possible, too.
Are Meditation Research Institutes not an outdated concept? Who receives a grant for meditation research anyway, and who a Nobel Prize in Medicine by doing mediation research?
But so what now. Peter Gamma needs a bed, a roof over the head and something to eat in his stomach, and he will find this somewhere else.
He is currently meditating with his Garmin Fenix 6:

But he does not depend on his Fenix 6 for his daily meditation practice. And as a scientist he is not happy with the Fenix 6, since he basically cannot do any science with it.
For walking meditation, he went outdoors on a daily basis to practice there. But because of Police checks he could not follow and because of many questions of the Police that he could not follow either, he will stay indoors in his room where he has peace and quiet, and use a Newgen Medical Treadmill for walking meditation as his daily practice:

But as a scientist he is not happy with this treadmill. And he will use the following setup as soon as possible:
All of the following scientists who lived in the MRIS where his friends:
but they moved out of the building before him. So Peter Gamma from is looking for new friends who help him to develop his new laboratory further.