What will happen if the results of Rob ter Horsts scientific smartwatch tests are wrong – will he kill himself as Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago as a Molecular Biologist in Zurich, when his results where not confirmed by other scientists?

Last Updated on April 7, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org Rob ter Horst is post-doctoral researcher from the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna who is specialized in biological data analysis. He tested more than 100 smartwatches scientifically on his YouTube channel against a Polar H10 chest strap: Giulio … Continue reading What will happen if the results of Rob ter Horsts scientific smartwatch tests are wrong – will he kill himself as Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago as a Molecular Biologist in Zurich, when his results where not confirmed by other scientists?