We invite the NeuroKit2 developers to update their software to make out of it a physiological multi-sensor platform based on InfluxDB

Last Updated on September 19, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org NeuroKit2 is a user-friendly package providing easy access to advanced biosignal processing routines. Researchers and clinicians without extensive knowledge of programming or biomedical signal processing can analyze physiological data whith this sofware: https://github.com/neuropsychology/NeuroKit NeuroKit2 has been cited 849 times to this date, which is great: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=NeuroKit2%3A+A+Python+toolbox+for+neurophysiological+signal+processing&btnG= But … Continue reading We invite the NeuroKit2 developers to update their software to make out of it a physiological multi-sensor platform based on InfluxDB